2D Animation Lab

2D Animation Lab – MSS – 3170

  • The 2D Animation Lab is the only lab outfitted entirely with Macs at MAGIC. This lab seats 22 students, with iMacs mounted to adjustable arms for the artist’s flexibility and comfort. Each station also comes equipped with a 24” Wacom Cintiq Tablet for precise drawing and animating. Classes are scheduled regularly in this lab throughout the semester, but it is used as an open lab when classes are not in session. The class schedule for this space can be found on the monitor in front of the room. Remember there is no food or drink allowed in the lab, and please do not leave the door propped open.
  • Lab Hours: This lab is 24/7 swipe accessible to any student with a valid RIT ID.
  • Tech Support: Please report any technical issues in the space by placing a MAGIC Tech help ticket here.